Monday, September 30, 2013

Welcome in our Home

This month's challenge from Tracy Weinzapfel's Mixed Media Monday group was to represent what we allow into our homes.  I am very cautious about what and who I grant access to my residence ... it's where I keep my treasures, namely my family!  While there are things that I refuse to allow, I prefer to concentrate on what is permitted ... that way the space is filled and there is no room for the negative.  

I have faith at the top, because it is of utmost importance in our lives.  If I could have figured out haw to add a basement, I might have put it there as symbolic of being the foundation of our family.  

The rest of the things that fill our home are in no particular order.  I grew up in a family that believed in telling each other that each was (and still is) loved.  We've continued that in our home, and I am so happy that my children live with the confidence that is instilled by knowing that they are loved unconditionally!  

I could go on and on, but it's late and as usual I've left this post till the last minute.  

Thanks ...